Website update
We have just gone through a server switch here at the Manual, allowing us more scope to bring even more items to you. We currently house well over 4000 image and this will soon be added to with a lot more content in coming months.
We also plan on a restructuring for the screen layout for official releases section. This should make it easier to navigate and locate items. This is being done behind the scenes and will be launched once all the images have been transferred and uploaded.
Over at the Jethro Tull Group we go from strength to strength with well over 2,500 members on our facebook page and continuing involvement in the recent Minstrel in the Gallery reissue, together with the upcoming Too Old To Rock N Roll reissue as well.
We are now rebranding our Jethro Tull Group Hub page along with new logos which will be applied to all of our future memorabila and image uploads.
Thanks for sticking with us, we will continue to improve on what we provide.